Happy Holidays and Thank You from the LOA! Team

Happy Holidays and Thank You from the LOA! Team

Happy Holidays from the LOA! Team

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.”

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol


Holiday greetings, everyone! The LOA! Team hopes everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is getting ready for what will undoubtedly be an unorthodox holiday season. We won’t get into the craziness of 2020 here — we’re tired of hearing about it, too — other than to say that we wish you a happy, safe, and productive conclusion to your year, as well as a (much needed, if you’re like us!) fresh start in 2021.

Now, on to LOA! business. We hope that you’ve been tuning in to our twice-monthly Zoominar sessions, where we cover a wide variety of topics that we think are important for young professionals. Our target audience is, and remains, those in the first five years of their career following graduate school or college. Some of these topics are covered directly in the book, some are covered indirectly, and others are “new from scratch.” You can find the recordings of all these sessions here on our website, or via our YouTube channel. Our YouTube channel is in the midst of a build-out, please check back every now and again for new videos.

By the time this blog goes live, we’ll have finished with the aforementioned Zoom sessions for the calendar year, though the plan for now is to resume them at some point early in 2021. We also have other special projects in the works, which unfortunately are too top-secret and delicate to mention at this time . . . but rest assured, as soon as we’re ready to roll them out, you’ll be the first to know.

We understand you’re likely crestfallen at this point, fearing that you might not hear from us again until 2021! But fear not, because we’ll still be kicking out blogs as always (posting at least once every two weeks, sometimes more), as well as staying in touch via social media. As always, feel free to reach out to us with questions, comments, discount codes for online purchases (hint hint, both LOA! authors are huge sports fans), or anything, really. We’ll get back to you quickly.

To everyone who has spent time with us this year, whether it’s via Zoom, or reading our blog, or even better reading Look Out Above! The Young Professional’s Guide to Success, we thank you. Speaking of our book, it’s available on Amazon right now for a special sale price. Sorry, but we had to throw that in there! Our publisher would yell at us if we didn’t. We’re self-published, but you get the idea.

Happy holidays and stay safe. In spite of the turbulence of this year, we hope you’re able to see 2020 out with good humor, always helpful in getting us through the most challenging of times.


Look Out Above! The Young Professional’s Guide to Success has been featured in the Chicago Tribune, HR Digest, CBS News, and more. It is available for purchase on Amazon, or by contacting the authors directly for discounted bulk orders.

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